Your Solution

Energy independence is critical

The risks that come from importing fossil fuels are high costs, price volatility and dedication of human resources. Freedom from these concerns allows you to focus on your core competencies and utilize your capital on repairs, upgrades and grid hardening. You have the opportunity to advance your existing infrastructure to a stronger, more resilient system.

The BEA Difference
The BEA team of global experts will provide everything from grid analysis, design, installation, integration and service. There will be a single point of contact responsible for your entire solution, providing accountability and minimizing the risks of lapses or gaps.

Energy storage solutions are vital

Fossil fuel-based generation is expensive to operate and maintain. In the face of more extreme weather, resilience is crucial. Our energy storage solution makes your existing systems more reliable and efficient. There are multitudes of savings in different energy storage applications: fuel, equipment and operations.

BEA Creates Resilience & Savings
● BEA energy storage solution for grid operating reserves reduces demand on your existing generators. No conventional generation can respond as fast as a battery. It is automated and can operate autonomously.
● BEA can engineer solar power systems to withstand hurricane force winds. We will evaluate and engineer for resilience that makes the most sense for your business.