Our Business
Our business is to provide you immediate energy cost savings and long-term risk mitigation through price stability and avoided fossil fuel consumption. Our solution is modular and can be sized to fit your needs. We can provide backup power in the event of grid brownouts and emergency blackout response. Our solution is clean, sustainable and pollution free.
We will build, own and maintain the system with no upfront capital investment required of you. Your only obligation is to purchase the energy produced. All costs of contracting, permitting, development, engineering, installation, operations and maintenance are included in the price of the electricity.
You will be able to employ our solar power and energy storage solution to de-risk a substantial portion of your power supply. Instead of having to pay for electricity produced by burning fossil fuels, you will receive steady reliable electricity at a fixed price from a secure local fuel source — the sun.
Our modular energy storage solution for grid level services will allow you to avoid costly backup diesel generation. The reduction in your variable operating and fuel costs can be substantial.